
Landbogaarden holder løbende udstilling i den store sal og har en permanent udstilling af kunst af blandt andet Anton Perich, Seiji Yonehara, Sven Havsteen Mikkelsen, Jesper Hyuk, Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen, Will Gurley, Zanka Hansen, Torben Dalhof, Vilhelm Sørensen, Bob Gruen og Billy Name.

Alternative Horizons
Bibi Katholm (DK) and William Gurley (US)
25th of September 2021

According to French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, when painters succeed in disrupting patterns and disengaging the prevailing regime of signs in a given society, they capture and render visible the metamorphic forces that play through faces, bodies, and landscapes. In this way, they are inducing transverse becomings that allow the emergence of something new…

Bibi Katholm and William Gurley explore ‘alternative horizons’ through painting, sculpture and moving image, in an attempt to create new works that resonate with the echo of disruption, slippage, and playful multimedia interaction. Hierarchies become plateaus as images transform layer upon layer of movement, through 3D animations paired with abstract black & white super 8 film. The horizon appears as an ever-expanding trick of the eye, slipping and sliding between abstract and figurative, painting and sculpture, still image and moving image. We are situated somewhere between the real and the virtual.

The raw colors, brushstrokes, gestures and sensations of the painted surface complement the repetitive movements, patterns, grids, and constant transformation of moving image. The exhibition is a collaborative installation of side-by-side work, a visual dialogue about possible futures, new ways of expression, and approaching the abstract as well as the figurative horizon. Landscapes become bodies that turn themselves inside out and jump back into landscapes as the microscopic and the cosmic planes collide. “This must be the place.”

The opening, including an artist’s talk and live music by Gertrud Hjelm Kongshøj, will take place from 3 pm – 8 pm Saturday the 25 th of September 2021.

Artist websites: www.bibikatholm.com & www.willgurley.com

Landbogaarden er en kunstinstallation og en igangværende kunst performance, skabt, instrueret og performet af Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen og Gertrud Hjelm Kongshøj.
Siden Landbogaarden åbnede sine døre i 2018, har der været en række udstillinger, performances, koncerter og events der har lagt fundamentet for hvad hvilken slags kulturinstitution Landbogaarden har for intention om at blive fremover. Med samarbejde med bland andet Statens Kunstfond, Ærø Dog Days og lokale foreninger, har Landbogaarden løbende kunne præsentere kurateret kunst, litteratur og musik på Ærø, med både internationelle, nationelle og lokale navne. Vi kalder den store sal på Landbogaarden “Fuglsang Gallery” når der udstilles kunst.